Who We Are

We are a non-profit dedicated to creating and celebrating Naramata’s unique community.

The intersection of people and place is the heart of Naramata Slow and our certification as one of only 235 Cittaslow Communities globally provides our guiding principles. 

What is Cittaslow?

A Cittaslow Community is an Italian inspired and administered global network of towns that collectively resist globalization and mainstream corporate-centred development through planning and urban design that prioritizes each town’s local, unique and historic resources.

The  Cittaslow philosophy is built around the desire to provide a high quality of life for Cittaslow residents.

The ‘slow’ in Cittaslow concerns the idea of taking the time for quality. It represents a higher quality of life and taking the time to achieve and appreciate this quality.

Seed exchange box shaped like a snail in the garden in Naramata

CittaSlow Core Values

Cittaslow's criteria fall into six categories that reflect Cittaslow's core values and ideologies:

Preservation of
the natural

Raise awareness
& appreciation of local produce & businesses


Promote local cultures
and traditions

Promote healthy
eating & healthy living

Encourage & celebrate diversity rather than standardizaton

Internationally, Cittaslows’ regulation-for-action approach has helped more than 285 communities in 33 countries implement sustainable development practices that enshrine place­ sustaining, localisation and identity preserving values. Naramata is one of only four communities in Canada to hold this designation.

(Naramata x Cittaslow)

What is Naramata Slow?

Naramata was designated as a Cittaslow Community in 2006.
To support and promote the principles of the Cittaslow designation, a not-for-profit society was formed.
This group is known locally as the Naramata Slow Community Group.

Our Board:

Currently our Board is made up of Dan Pedersen, Greg Best, Jay Drysdale, Rene Mehrer, Gayle Grant, Nicole Hackworth, Jacquie Carlson, Dawn Lennie and Miranda Halladay.

Depending on the projects we are involved in, Committees may include members of the Community at large and are led by a Board Champion.

Interested in getting involved?

Naramata Slow board members raise hands and glasses in a cheers at outdoor long table supper

Want to get involved?

Come join us! We’d love to have you.