August 2023 Newsletter

A group of 4 volunteers hold up sign boards for Naramata Dark Sky at a farmers market setting

Naramata's Quest for Dark Sky Designation

Our small but mighty Dark Sky Team has been diligently working towards achieving the prestigious International Dark Sky designation. Our goal is to secure this certification by collaborating with the RDOS to establish a comprehensive lighting bylaw. We aim to update the existing street lighting bylaw and change the new build bylaw to incorporate the latest advancements in the appropriate use of light. By becoming a Dark Sky Community, we are committed to preserving our precious environment.

The core principles of Dark Sky align closely with our CittaSlow designation.  The community's desire to obtain certification is included in the Area E Official Community Plan Draft.  We kindly request your participation in the survey and encourage you to show your support to make Naramata the second community in Canada to earn the Dark Sky Community status. To see the Dark Sky profile about our local team's progress, visit this Dark Sky link  

In the meantime, what can you do to promote dark skies?  There are Five Principles for Improving Outdoor Lighting at Home:

Principle #1:  Useful
Does the Light Serve a Clear and Necessary Purpose?  Consider how extra light impacts wildlife and the environment.  Light only areas you need.

Principle #2:  Targeted
Light should be directed only where needed.  Use shielding and careful aiming to to target the direction of the light beam so that it points downward and doesn't spill beyond where it is needed.

(Next month, Principle #3:  Low Light Levels)

Neighborhood Small Grants
South Okanagan Similkameen

Thanks to local citizens who applied for and received three neighbourhood small grants in support of NaramataSlow principles:  fostering healthy living and building community. 

The first event, the Laneway Flowering Project was a great success.  A group of 12 enthusiastic participants came together, connected with their neighbors, shared gardening skills, and learned about using low effort plantings to beautify forgotten laneways.  The Laneway Flowering Project was a simple way to foster community spirit and showcase hidden landscapes. 

Sounds like something you might want to try?  Look for those pretty laneways on your next walk and chat up your neighbor!

The second event is the Dark Sky Movie Night.  Mark your calendar, September 27 in Manitou Park following the last Farmer's Market. Popcorn, Naramatians (guest appearance by Naramartians??) and a family friendly movie under the stars... it doesn't get any better than that!

Snail Clothing Company

NaramataSlow is pleased to announce a Business Incubator Program in collaboration with Yanti's Clothes Library. Environmentally conscious and entrepreneurial-minded youth will comb Yanti's donated treasures to reinvent garments and promote them through the Snail Clothing Company.

Through this initiative, young participants will have the opportunity to take ownership of the business, learning skills from mentors in areas such as branding, marketing, merchandising, margins, and cash flow management. Our focus is on fostering creativity, independence, and practical knowledge, allowing these young entrepreneurs to thrive and grow.

A portion of the proceeds generated from the Snail Clothing Company will be reinvested back into NaramataSlow, ensuring the sustainability of this project. 

We feel this youth-led venture will promote a sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to fashion, and we can't wait to see their creations. Watch for the Snail Clothing Company booth coming soon to Wednesday markets!

Permaculture Farm Garden

The Permaculture Garden is offering tours and Garden talks, every Tuesday until August 29th, from 6:15 pm to 7:00 pm. We invite you to drop by, engage in conversations, and discover the wonders of the garden. For further inquiries, please contact us at

Naramata Community Farmers Market

Join us Wednesdays at Manitou Park, 4-7 pm for the Naramata Farmer's Market and the best community vibes.  Do your weekly shop by picking up local produce, handcrafted treasures, and refreshing wines and spirits.  Grab dinner from one of the awesome food trucks while chilling to the tunes of local musicians. Come and relax with friends and neighbors and enjoy all that summer brings.

Want to help out?  The NaramataSlow Farmers Market Committee is seeking enthusiastic volunteers who are willing and able to help with market set-up or take-down. For more information on how to get involved, please email

 The Give & Take Hub

Introducing the Give & Take Hub, a community board designed to foster a sense of neighbourhood and address local needs. Individuals can submit their specific requests enabling others to step forward and donate their seldom used objects.  Need canning jars?  An old computer?  A power tool?  Post here. Together, we can make a significant impact, keep items out of the landfill, and build a stronger community one act of kindness at a time.  To post your need, email us at 


 Naramata Permaculture looking for a couple of hard rakes and a pitch fork.  If you can donate any item, please email

 NaramataSlow Cookbook on the Back Burner


 In publishing our first ever NaramataSlow Harvest Supper Cookbook we had embarked on a mission to capture and celebrate the essence of community-building through food. Due to a number of factors (primarily around the cost of publishing) we have decided to table the Cookbook dream temporarily.

We believe firmly however, in making the most effective use of the resources we have created thus far. We will channel the efforts and information gathered into sharing and supporting relevant projects within the local area. Our aim is to have a more immediate and meaningful impact on our community in the near term.  While the cookbook project may be shelved for now, our commitment to fostering a close-knit community through food remains unchanged. We look forward to exploring new avenues where we can continue to grow this vision together.


September 2023 Newsletter


June 2023 Newsletter